Monday, October 4, 2010

Driver who rear-ends another car not always at fault

In Hough v. Dyck, a decision released today by the BC Supreme Court, the Court agreed with ICBC that Mr. Hough was liable for an accident even though he was rear-ended.

In this case, the Judge believed Mr. Dyck's story that Mr. Hough cut him off and then stopped abruptly in front of him, thereby giving him no chance to avoid the accident.

Although rare, there have been a number of cases where the person who was rear-ended is found liable for an accident.  If you have been injured in an accident where you rear-ended another vehicle which abruptly cut into your lane and then stopped, you should contact a lawyer to discuss whether you may have a valid claim.

Disclaimer:  This post is not intended as legal advice.  Every ICBC claim is different and dependent on its facts.  To obtain advice on a specific claim, please visit  us at

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